Welcome to Cam Rural Mines Corporation
Thanks for taking interest in Cam Rural Mines Corporation. We are a mining company incorporated in Cameroon since 2009. Our main activities are in the Eastern Region of Cameroon. A region renounced for its richness in Natural Resources and Bio diversity.
We attach importance to the quality of the products and the credit of the company. As a result, the company has been thought highly of by all its clients and was awarded as the model company for high quality and good credit.
We provide the best choice for clients with quality, credit, and excellence. Wish to shake hands with friends from all walks of life for the brilliant future about us.
Our Products
Corporate Social Responsibilities
As a mining company, cam Rural Mines corporation has as a principal objective the development of the environment where mining takes place. The localities where mining is done are our very important stake holders. We carry out development activities in the field of education, health, women empowerment etc.
Our Clients
We sell our products internationally and local market as well. We deal with local jewelers who produce jewelry for the local market and we also sell to clients who come from all over the world to buy our products. Regardless of your location we welcome you to contact us today for the best rates. We may not have the quantity you require due to our limited production capacity but we assure you of the best quality.
Cam Rural Mines Corporation do export its commodity worldwide
We do offer 100% secure, suitable and workable trading offers and procedures for clients worldwide
Dedicated Support
What We Do
- Fulfilling demands of our clients and maintaining a long-term loyal relationship with the clients.
- Extending our reach to establish new collaborations with organizations and individuals to expand our client base.
- To be a trustworthy business partner to our clients and ensure professional service and excellence to meet their requirement