Thanks for taking interest in Cam Rural Mines Corporation. We are a midium size mining company based in Cameron with our head office in Bertoua the Eastern Region of Cameroon and our branch office in Douala Litoral Region of Cameroon.
Cam Rural Mines is a community based company. Our sole purpose is the development of the areas where our mining activities takes place. As a limited company our goal is the development of our environment.

Cam Rural Mines Corporation has more than thirty years of experience in mining and trading of various minerals which you can find in our product page. We began as an artisanal mining company using very crude mining methods which yielded very little products and resulted in many of our proceeds being lost. As time went by, we upgraded our mining methods. We are not yer where we want to be. We do not yet have the big mining machinery but we sure have improved in our mining methods and output.